Heart Bypass Surgery above of the Page

Heart bypass surgery or coronary artery bypass graft, abbreviated as CABG, is a surgery to improve blood circulation in the heart. In heart bypass surgery, the surgeon uses blood vessels taken from another part of the body to change the blood circulation path from the damaged vessels to new vessels in order to improve blood circulation.
Due to the blockage of the right coronary artery (on the left side of the picture), not enough oxygen reaches a part of the heart muscle.
This surgery is performed when the coronary arteries are damaged or blocked. These arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood to the heart.
So, if they are blocked or the blood flow in them is restricted, the heart cannot work properly. This condition leads to heart failure.
In this method, a vein removed from the leg is connected to the heart artery so that blood can flow through it.

Different types of surgery

The doctor chooses the type of surgery depending on how many of your arteries are blocked. Types of heart bypass surgery include:

  • Single bypass, when only one vessel is blocked and needs bypass.
  • Double bypass when two vessels are blocked.
  • Triple bypass when three vessels are blocked.
  • Quadruple bypass when Four vessels are blocked

The likelihood of having a heart attack, heart failure, or other heart problem depends on how many arteries are blocked. The more the number of blocked vessels, the longer the surgery takes and the more likely it is to have complications.

Who needs heart bypass surgery?

When the deposit forms in the artery wall, the blood flow to the heart muscle decreases. Coronary heart disease is called atherosclerosis.
If the heart does not receive enough oxygen, the possibility of fatigue and failure increases. Atherosclerosis can occur in any artery in the body.
The doctor suggests heart bypass surgery if the coronary arteries are so narrow that the risk of heart attack is high. Also, heart bypass is performed in situations where the vascular blockage is so severe that it cannot be managed with drugs or other treatments.


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